
If you have a Christian term or word that you would like to have added to the list, email me at

Dispensation - 1 a :  a general state or ordering of things; specifically :  a system of revealed commands and promises regulating human affairs: an act of providing something to people , 3 a :  the act of dispensing b :  something dispensed or distributed

When I use the term dispensation of Grace,  I think of it as God dispensing the the Period of Grace doctrine, and instructions for the Body of Christ.

Rightly Divided or Rightly Dividing - Simply discerning the instructions that apply to the Christians living today verses the instructions given to the nation Israel, or individuals in times past or in the future that are not part of the Body of Christ.

Tongue - a spoken language

Speaking in Tongues - speaking in a spoken language -  our example would be Acts Chp. 2 on the day of Pentecost when people spoke in tongues, all the people heard the Galians speaking in the language where in they were born.

Spiritual Discernment - when I use this term I am talking about looking at spiritual teachings, verses, experiences that people claim to have had, and to spiritually discern whether for instance a particular doctrine is true or false, and then if it is true, does it apply to the Body of Christ today. See Lesson 3 for an example of spiritual discernment.

Mid-Acts Dispensationalism, Hyper-Dispensationalism, Ultra Hyper-Dispensationalism – these are all terms that are commonly used to discredit people who rightly divided the word of truth.
Most preachers who use these terms, are hoping the people they are preaching to will not take the time to study Bible Doctrine out for themselves, but will take their word that anyone who uses the word dispensation is bad.
The Apostle Paul, who is the Apostle to the Gentiles, was given the words the dispensation of the grace of God, by the Lord Jesus Christ.  Do some Bible Study and stamp out Bible ignorance!

If you have a Christian term or word that you would like to have added to the list, email me at

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